What is The Golden Troupe?

The Golden Troupe is a webcomic story of a past life of mine taking place during the Achaemenid Empire 2,500 years ago, travelling around with my animal companions. Misadventures ensue!

My passion project, now compiled into book form in 2024 via Kickstarter, this story is dear to my heart. I was ready to give up on art back in 2017, but this project propelled me forward.

Thankfully, I have managed to finish the first volume of the story and am moving on to Volume 2. Stay tuned, this story will be a doozy!


Below are the four stars of the comic. The story is about a past life of mine and you already know about me, so here's a little more about who's who in The Golden Troupe.

Rioxia ("Ree-ox-ee-yuh")

As of yet Unnamed in the story, Rioxia (as she will be known) plays a big part!

This leusistic king cheetah is quite special. Found in a pile of her brothers, sisters and mom who didn't make it out in the hot desert sun, a royal Prince just happened by and saw a speck of white in an otherwise beige landscape. She was rescued when just a small baby and grew to love her owner, learning many usefull tricks- like how to fetch the water bottle when asked! (I'm sure that never comes in handy.)

Friendly, but fierce when needed, Rox is the heart of the story. She keeps everyone grounded, checks on how everyone is feeling, loves new people (as long as they're nice!) and is a bit of a class clown.

Rioxia loves pooping on the highest spot she can, gorging on any food she catches, lounging in the sun and, of course, running!

Aspa ("Ass-pah")

That IS her happy face! Aspa takes a lot of pride and joy in her ability to cause mayhem, so she's actually pretty content most of the time.

She can't talk, but she'd have you know she doesn't usually go looking for a fight- but she will absolutely finish it. Aspa also has a little secret... We'll see how that develops.

Her hobbies are biting, kicking, killing, maiming... oh, and having a nice roll just after being bathed. She loves goats and hates sheep. Also, keep your stallion clear of her. She... doesn't like them, to put it mildly. Daddy issues, we guess.

Qui ("Key")

Qui is a pretty boy. The prettiest boy, actually. And he knows it. Of royal Saluki bloodlines, he only got passed off to some lowely peasant after his owner died aka how he joined The Golden Troupe.

Qui enjoys how handsome he is, people fawning over him to tell him how he's so gorgeous, when Aspa acts like a baby horse because she's so enamoured with him, running and secretly, VERY SECRETLY, snuggles right before bed.

Morgh ("Morrr'-ghuh")

Arriving to the Troupe as a Passage eagle, Morgh was born in the wild, but eventually he was caught as a young bird and raised into adulthood into the sport of falconery for the Royal family of the Achaemenid Empire.

He has the ferocity of a chicken skeletonizing a mouse when he hunts, so the royal family named him "Morgh," which means chicken. Good thing being called a chicken didn't turn into some sort of insult 2,500 years later or anything!

Morgh spends his time fighting Aspa, catching stray loaves of bread and ripping them to tiny shreds and punching people who try to touch his feet. Sometimes he's nice and doesn't get you with a talon. Still hurts though.

Read the Comic

Now available to read The Golden Troupe: Volume 1 in full for FREE on your fav platform!

The Golden Troupe: Volume 2 will be updating soon on these platforms as well.


Behind the Scenes

Sneak peeks, studio vlogs and before-anyone-else updates are available when you join my studio membership! Several tiers are available, based on your level of interest. Check out the rewards and pick one that suits you best- there's even a free tier to get you started.

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The Golden Tier

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